Monday, 21 February 2011

feb, 21st - doilies....

day 380:

i love a bit of crochet/ lace trim........

{Limi in her lace trimmed headband made by her LoLa}

and all this talk of sewing has inspired me.....i saw these designs by J W Anderson SS/11 (see here)

and i love the doilies.....i'm picturing some Limi sized clothes with doily fact i think that if anything stays still for awhile, i might just stitch a doily to it.

so, off i go to find some vintage doilies.....if anywhere should have them then it's here in England.

wish me luck.


  1. those crochet shirts are cool!

  2. i love doilies!! i have several antique ones and never know what i want to do with them. now i know! now if i can only find the perfect shirt to put them on....

  3. I love attaching doilies to my clothes. They make it look so romantic!
