Monday, 15 August 2011

aug, 15th - 17 and 18 months....

day 547:
17 and 18 months 
(i seem to have skipped a month)........

Dimensions & Weight:
Length - 82 cm

no change on:
Foot Length - 13 cm
Hand Length - 10.4 cm
Ear Length - 6 cm
Hair - not enough for pigtails....still growing..with curls....
Teeth - a major teeth growing month.....five at the top and six at the bottom (including three hard-to-grow molars)
Weight - 11+kgs

New Words - we've reached the parrot stage so there are too many words to remember....but some recent favourites are: ticklish, everywhere, neigh, roar, sleeping, bubble (for Mabel), wara (for her cousin), e (for her other cousin), nix (for my sister), shels yay (for my brother), tapa (for my dad)

Old Words - dada, mama, baba, duck, dog, uh-oh, bye-bye, bubbles, toes, more, baby, shoes, door, nose, eyes, hat, ball, doll, zozo (for zozo the zebra), pup (for up), nono (for my mum), nana (for una, the doll), mimi (for limi) and an obsession with row-row (as in row-row-row your boat......), tah, light, boo, horse, wow, 
shower (hugely popular, especially in the morning), flower, shirt, bird, ouch, down, mummy, pah (for please), boop-boop (belly button), cat, ears

Sentences - three and four word sentences...whoohoo.

This Month's Likes & Dislikes:

Likes -

  • fountains in France
  • keys and doors....especially trying to open door locks using keys...still
  • butterflies {see day 497}
  • us, entertaining her with our song list...still
  • tap dancing {see day 503}
  • her cousins...adores her cousins

  • herself....stands rooted to the spot as the water rains down
  • cats and dogs...still
  • swimming in rivers {see day 539}
  • skyping the family
  • toes and shoes.....obsessed

  • ice...eating, melting, playing with......
  • doing up clips....especially in the pram...most definitely still, still, still
  • stomping and belly buttons

Dislikes -

  • unfriendly cats
  • being away from her cousins
  • walking past cigarette butts, leaves, flowers, gum stuck to the pavement
  • not being able to run down every cobbled street in France


  1. she is getting so big!! what a sweetheart she is!! i love thelast picture of everyone else sitting on the fountain and she is trying to get into it :)

    limi is about the same age as my nephew (he is 19 months) and i just love this stage! little mimes and parrtos for sure :)

  2. what a sweetie! I can totally relate to this talking phase as my little boy also just turned 18 months. It's such a great age isn't it? Bises from Paris xx

  3. Is this the cutest and best dressed kid in town or what?!

  4. LOVE this age...well in fact, loved every age so far for their different quirks and firsts! but this is certainly a fun one. today's word was 'nice'...'very nice' and it was applied to everyone and everything. man outside....nice.....courgettes for dinner....very nice....mama....nice :)

  5. Love her style! Limi is just sooo cute!!:)

  6. So precious and growing fast, wow she has a lot to say LOL enjoy xo

    Always Wendy
