Friday, 11 May 2012

may, 11th - lightness of being....

day 824:

my sister has taught me many things {some of them mentioned here on day 185}, including cultivating a love of huge messy bunches of fresh flowers. i once had a conversation with A. about fresh flowers....did they also make him feel all light and blissful inside? he said fresh flowers were pretty but no it must just be me then?

today was the most gorgeously Spring-like day in London and one where you want to throw open the doors and windows, let the light stream in and be surrounded by blooms. i normally go to this market {see day 230} when i have the urge to fill the house with flowers but today i wandered down to the local stall and bought a huge bunch...and then, because he knows me well, A. arrived home with another big bunch. so i am happily sitting filled by lightness and bliss.

.......well, as light as you can feel when you're 28 weeks pregnant (it's flying by....)

have a great weekend and see you on Monday. x


  1. Oh look at you, you are absolutely glowing !!!

  2. fresh flowers are one of the absolute best bits of life - i hear you!

  3. you're in bloom deedil! looking so beautiful and happy. love it.


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