Sunday, 3 July 2011

jul, 3rd - weekend....

day 507:

we spent our weekend in quintessential Summer English style....watching Wimbledon and then cheering A. as he played some cricket.....{it happens every year, see day 148day 152 etc.} 

i volunteered to do the tea.......i've escaped taking ownership for a cricket tea for years....but choosing now to launch myself into mass catering was probably a bit, while A. frolicked (in a manly way) around a green field....I made 50 sandwiches (two types), two salads, sliced ham, broke baguettes, piled up these brownies, dressed scones and tried to make everything look un-mass-catered....all the while singing endless rounds of row-row-row your boat or twinkle-twinkle and trying to stop Limi from unpacking every cupboard in a foreign kitchen and drink the industrial disinfectant......

no pics of the tea....for obvious reasons.......but the compliment was being asked for the recipe for my brownies, slow-roasted tomatoes and potato salad (the secret ingredient was tarragon)...

spied this most amazing car outside the clubhouse and assumed that it was owned by someone on the field.....

but next minute, some grandparents came over the hill with their three grandchildren.....the kids all piled giggling into the bucket seat at the back and they laughed about the fact that it was downhill all the way home and therefore they may even overtake a just reminded me that the joy of life is not in the fancy times but in the good, happy and interesting times with family and how these kids would grow up remembering this amazing car and rolling down hills between green hedges....what great memories to look back on.

Limi was far more interested in this guy who was waiting patiently for his owner to finish playing.....

and exploring every inch of the grounds......

although i may dream about being bowled over by a giant ham and i'm nursing was worth it.

hope you had a wonderful weekend. x

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