day 100:
In 100 days, Barack Obama’s report card showed that he had delivered on some of his climate change promises, started to achieve progress on economy and reassessed the US priorities in Iraq. David Cameron and Nick Clegg’s report will be just as closely scrutinised. These powerful men may be tackling 1st world issues....but one Limi has achieved the following in 100 days:
- Started cooing
- Discovered her hands
- Managed to suck her toes….a skill that doesn’t seem to carry into adulthood
- Realised the joy of pulling hair….let’s hope that the release reflex kicks in soon
We have achieved the following:
- 100 days without breaking her or each other
- pram knowledge (not just the handling, also the assembly and dissembly)
- a number of songs containing the word limi [My Girl Limi-pop...anyone?]
- one-handedness skills
soooo cute and my hat yay